Developing individuals more effectively and individually with objective evaluation criteria

As a coach, it is your task to improve athletes. With individual evaluation criteria, you can assess important aspects such as technique, tactics, mentality, or endurance individually and train more effectively. For stronger and more successful athletes!


Analyze, evaluate, and improve – Develop athletes with precision

What you don't measure and evaluate, you can't improve. In every sport, athletes must possess certain skills to excel and succeed.
Physical and mental prerequisites are included, as well as technical or tactical abilities.

With proSports.Zone, coaches use an innovative evaluation system based on individual criteria to assess the performance and abilities of players and athletes in a more objective and detailed manner.

Using these metrics and benchmarks, youth development can be planned more individually, making it more comprehensible and successful.


See the big picture!

From individual training sessions to season analysis, from playing time to strengths-weaknesses profile – with proSports.Zone, development becomes visible. Important metrics are easily accessible in clear dashboards. Dive into the details with smart filtering options. Compare and analyze various statistics, from individual players and positions to different age groups and the entire youth department.


Criteria for a more objective evaluation

Using standardized criteria to evaluate the performance and abilities of players and athletes makes assessments more objective and fair.

Rather than using simple "good" and "not good" categories, proSports.Zone allows for defining different criteria and evaluation parameters.
Evaluating passing skills, dribbling, mentality, and commitment provides a much more accurate picture of each individual.


Not only informative but also immediately actionable

Uniform criteria enable objective comparisons. The extensive evaluation and comparison options in proSports.Zone are not only informative but also immediately applicable in training and competition. From targeted team composition to group and individual training, to more precise training planning.

The key to individual development

With the comprehensive evaluation possibilities for players and athletes, training goals and achievements become measurable and visible. Coaches have a tool that allows for objective analysis of the technical, tactical, and personal skills of their players and athletes.

Make training and development more individual and targeted, with measurable and faster attainable training goals!


What are you waiting for? Use real data instead of gut feeling!

Start now with proSports.Zone and digitalize your sport. Take the development of your athletes to the next level!