Tour through

Player's details

All information about a player is clearly summarized here. This view is the core of the application, so to speak. Master data, contact details as well as schools, boarding schools etc. can be seen here. Notes from the development talks, further training, licenses acquired etc. round off the picture.

Player's details

Training statistics at player level

After each training session, the trainer can rate all players in different areas. These are, for example, motivation, understanding, willingness to implement. Over time, a clear picture of the performance and development of the player develops.

Training statistics at player level

match statistics and performance tests

After each match has been created, the trainer can evaluate each player individually in different areas. These are, for example, technique, offensive and defensive tactics, stamina and mentality. ProSports also calculates the player's active times from the course of the match.

You can also view results of performance tests in which the player took part here.

What are you waiting for? Use real data instead of gut feeling!

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